This weeks highlights included:
1. Me actually doing something in the army.
2. Watching F-16's take off. From 30 ft away.
3. Seeing people I have not seen in a long time.
4. Pancakes.
Number 1- On Tuesday, Lihi (the other english teacher) had a doctor's appointment and needed someone to sub for her. So I got to teach her class (of two) for the day. We covered all the material by lunch time and did Wednesday's test- which they both did well on. Lihi was kind of shocked, which was a little insulting, but not worth starting more teenage drama (which is running rampant these days) in the office.
Number 2- On Monday, we sort of snuck Rafi on to my base, dressed him up in a jumpsuit and let him hang out in my office all day. Everyone was kind of scared to take him too close to the planes (since he wasnt really supposed to be there) until my commander came back to the office, shuffled us into his car, drove us out to the runway and let us watch the planes take off. You could feel the heat from the engines. It was super cool. and loud. but mostly cool. Everyone really liked him and wants me to bring him back to visit again. Abba, if you come visit there would be so many cool things they would let you see!!
Number 3- This week I got to go out to dinner with a friend of mine visiting from America (she even brought me a present!) and went to see Toy Story 3 (SOOOO GOOD) with a friend of mine who lives here, but I never see her anyway. So that was lovely.
Number 4- I had pancakes for breakfast today. It was exciting.
I know, I know, Im ranking pancakes next to F-16's. But I stand by them. These were the highlights of my week and sometimes, all you really need to make your day are some damn fine pancakes.