Sorry Im a little late today (for those of you who were up at like 8 am pacing in front of your computer and waiting for this post), I was busy climbing rooftops and wandering through graveyards.
Anyway, this was a really full week. There were lots of visitors which led to lots of hanging out, hugging, and getting really excited. And a good amount of beer. But it was also the first week of the PresenTense Institute, meaning I got to meet all the fellows and find out all the things I had done wrong. I spent most of the week at work doing everything from fixing closets ( I am now the resident handyman) to setting up for speakers and I got alot of free food. (Actually, I think I only fed myself once this whole week). The fellows who have come into this program are incredibly cool people ranging from Brazilian reporters who live in Bejing to midwestern librarians who want to revolutionize Jewish education. So the up side of work this week was getting to meet all these people, getting to use my tools, and getting to eat out alot. The downside was, being the first week of a program, we realized all that we had done wrong, and all the things that had been lost in translation. They still like me and all, but there were some things that I messed up and some responsibilities that turned out to be too much for me, so that was tough to find out.
So I was feeling kind of bummed out at the end of the week, not to mention burned out from working my tush off, but then I got to go out with all my Maryland visitors and that just made it all better.
Oh, I also had the most amazing moment this week. In fact, none of this other stuff really matters. This was like the highlight of my month and everything else pales in comparison.
So, you know how people sometimes ask you for really random things like a rubber chicken or a television, and your like "Oh yeah, Ive got that right here in my back pocket" because who the hell carries things like that around with them? Well, my secret dream was to be able to say that and actually pull a rubber chicken out of my back pocket. So I used to carry really random things around in my purse like bubbles and clown noses. But my purse started to get heavy and no one was ever asking for anything I had (though I did get to give a little boy a toy once) so I stopped doing it. BUT this week, as I was getting ready to leave work, my boss turned to me and asked if I had a hammer. And I was like "WELL YES I DO, RIGHT HERE IN MY PURSE" and then I pulled a hammer out of my purse and he stared at me like I was Mary Poppins. GREATEST. MOMENT. EVER.
I have nothing else to say.