Random events of the weeks and their corresponding smilies:
This week I went in for my Tzav Rishon. This is the first round of tests that you have to go through before joining the Israeli Army. It includes an interview, a medical exam, an intelligence test, and then a test that helps them determine what type of job you would be suitable for. In a few weeks they should send me a list of jobs they think I am suitable for and from there I can apply to whichever ones I want. I am technically on track to join the army now, but because I am volunteering, I can still change my mind without any consequences.
I am not yet sure if this is what I want to do and alot depends on what type of job I could get. That being said, I think it is something that I will be really happy to have done. I know it will be hard for me, especially the whole independence thing, but I look forward to the challenge and how I will grow as a result.
I am a little nervous about telling everyone, in case I end up not doing it for some reason, but this is the big thing going on in my life right now, and I guess I want to share that.
Also, just to clarify: I will not be a combat soldier. It is very hard for a woman to get a combat position, and I am too old (remember this is an army of 18 yr olds) and dont have the physical profile. I will also probably be volunteering for a year, two at most. And I have no idea what I will be doing yet. I also do not know when I will go in, though I would guess about 5-8 months.
Anyway, that is my exciting news. Im sorry if that is not as exciting as a secret engagement or letting you all know that I am actually an alien or something.
Shabbat Shalom, Happy weekend, and I hope to get lots of responses from this post. Otherwise I will have to start doing something even more drastic then moving across the world and joining the Israeli army.
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