Which was awesome. As was Friday (despite bamboozlement) since I got to see Ayton, who is visiting for a whole month!! Actually this whole week was pretty awesome.
Thursday was awesome, because we had a special "Raise your Glass" party for all the lone soldiers on our base. Being a lone soldier means that you are living in the country without your parents. Many of them are olim (immigrants) like me, but there are also some orphans and soldiers who are not in contact with their parents for one reason or another. We tend to get special attention, as we are generally supporting ourselves and have more to worry about then the other kids/soldiers. Anyway, they threw this little party for us where the Base Commander told us how awesome we are and gave us each a Pesach present (a mug full of candy that is not kosher for pesach :) and 200 shek to the grocery store). It was really nice of them and a good sendoff right before vacation (Im off for all of Pesach!!).
Wednesday, my Commander took our whole office out for a "Yom Keif"- a day of fun. We got to go out in civilian clothes (the real treat) and we headed out into the hills of Beit Shemesh and went hiking. We went to Emek HaEla, the supposed battlefield between David and Goliath, and climbed up the mountain for a positivly stunning view of the area (which made me once again sigh and think "I love Israel"). We then headed to a national park in the area to another outlook (which I had previously visited with my HS) before settling down for a BBQ in the park. So by 2pm I had gotten to hike, eat meat, and run around outside in comfy clothes. Thus, it was an awesome day. (click here for more pics)
Tuesday was awesomely simple. Dont really remember what I did on base, but I spent the whole evening hanging out at my friend Josh's lounging on the couch and watching How I Met Your Mother while I helped him finish off all his chametz.
Monday I got to go to a wedding, which while they are always at least a little bit awesome, this wedding had
a) THE most amazing wedding food I have ever had. (I just wrote hadded like it was a word). I mean the smorgasboard was good, but even the real food was awesome. I found myself sitting there wishing I was a teenage boy so that I could actually eat everything in sight.
b) Open bar + my friends Ari and Dov to drink with
c) A really good band. We danced until I thought I was going to throw up (all that awesome food and wine), paused, and then danced some more.
So, altogether, awesome wedding. Mazal Tov Nechama Dina and Zack!
And Sunday, well Sundays are always awesome because I get to talk to my parents. But this Sunday was especially awesome because everyone's timing was perfect and we did not have that "everyone from America call within the same five minutes" crisis that normally occurs on Sundays.
Anyway, I have now used up my break time and need to return to the chaos that is my kitchen and finish cleaning for Pesach. I hope you all have a Chag Kasher v'Sameach (and a Happy Easter!), enjoy the extra revelations of a second seder (heheheh), and seriously consider coming here for next year :)
Shosh and Ez, good luck hosting your first seder!! I wish I could be there for it (well the first one at least)!