Friday, March 12, 2010

I splurged on blueberries this week because it feels like summer and to me, that means cobbler

This week felt really long. Sunday was our last day of frenzied cleaning. I succeeded in slicing my finger open on the glass window panes in the bathroom (and not even the one that I dropped and shattered all over the floor!) and then went through a long spout of cursing when I picked up something that was covered with some mysterious cleaning solution that made my hand burn like hell. Luckily, it all got washed off during my water fight with Boris and Chezi. Chezi's method of cleaning the bathroom is: 
1) cover everything with soap and mysterious burning chemical. 
2) Scrub the walls with a broom and everything else with the toilet brush (ew). 
3) Pour water all over everything. 
4) Squeegee it out.
Boris unfortunatly got on the wrong side of Chezi, and as I know whose side to take in these things, I got on the right side of Chezi and together we drenched Boris. 
Anyway, after all that balagan (craziness), we finally had our visit from the Base Commander on Monday. He walked into each room, gave a cursory glance, and walked out again while we were left standing with our mouths hanging open and our bandaged wounds. He did however, stop and chat with everyone, ask their complaints etc. There was an awkward moment where he asked me what I do and I turned to my commander for help, despite the seeming simplicity of this answer. My commander, and his commander (who I met a few weeks ago) both launched into the ridiculous story that is my life and assured their commander that they were taking care of it. They all agreed that my Hebrew is perfectly fine and have apparently come up with a plan to let me teach. 
The higher forces have decided that I am going to teach Level 3 english to the salaried officers on base. They have even agreed to send me to a teaching course, just not the english teaching course, because we still cant tell them that I am teaching english. In the meantime I am supposed to be working on a lesson plan for a level of english that no one but the head of the english teaching department teaches. So after perusing the Job Guides and picking out all the hardest words (apparently a clevis is U-shaped or forked metal connector within which another part can be fastened by means of a bolt or pin passing through the ends of the connector), going through Level 1 and Level 2 to try to figure out the differences, I finally convinced Lihi to go into the database and print up the Level 3 Master Workbook which she is not supposed to have access to. Oh, and they have also told me that the way everyone else teaches english is boring so I should figure out some ways to make it more exciting. And that all of my students, though they are supposed to be ready for Level 3, probably wont be. So Im kind of nervous about this whole thing and not as excited about getting a job as I was hoping to be. 
In other news, I had a very nice week of non-army things. I started running home from the Central Bus Station which is nice because the weather is awesome and because my body is becoming restless with unexpressed emotion. It is not so nice because I have to do it with a backpack and I cant get my headphones to stay in my ears, but I'll figure something out. I also went to a shiur (class) this week with my chavruta, Ophra and my friend Avital. It was given by this young British guy and we delved into the different sides of the Akeida (the sacrifice of Isaac). We went through traditional sources and then he brought in Kierkgaard and Elie Wiesel and there were lots of opinions as to what our forefathers were thinking and feeling and how this even affected their relationships with each other and with Hashem. It was really interesting and we have decided to go next month as well.
Okay this is now getting as long as my week felt, so Im going to say Shabbat Shalom and wish you all a wonderful week!

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