Friday, August 6, 2010

I'M AN AUNT!!!!!

Who cares what else happened this week? MY SISTER HAD A BABY!!!!!

This Wednesday, August 4th (Barack Obama's birthday), my amazing and wonderful sister, Shoshana, gave birth to my brawny (8.4 lbs!) and beautiful new nephew. And she did it without any drugs. (Setting a really high bar for me, but I think I have some time before I have to worry about that one.)
She is understandably exhausted but headed home from the hospital today with the little one. My fantastic brother-in-law, Ez has been fielding all my questions and endless phonecalls and taking amazing care of my sister. My mom is headed up to NY to join them on Sunday and then everyone but me will be there for the Brit Milah (circumcision) and naming on Wednesday. Oh, lordy, I cant wait to meet him!!!

I got home from base on Wednesday and found an email saying that Shosh had gone into labor. My roommate laughed at me as I ran around the apartment screaming for like five minutes and then sat down and start to worry about them. That wasnt so good for me, but thankfully I had plans to go to the wine festival with my friend Elodie. So we headed over to the Israel Museum, bought a 60 shek wine glass, and then proceeded to be really classy and taste all sorts of fancy Israeli wine. Every 30 minutes or so we would try to check my email on Elodie's phone, but not much was happening and I was getting more and more nervous and excited. (A side point about the nervousness: I understand that childbirth these days is pretty safe, and my sister definitely has the hips for it, but there is still so much that can go wrong! And its painful! And I worry. So thus, the nervousness). Anyway, towards the end of the festival I had tried about 8 different Shiraz's (mmm I love that wine) and an excellent Gerwsomethingorother, and, shall we say, a few other wines, and had just run into some friends who were generously sharing their cheese-sampler plate with me when Elodie checked her phone and yelled "Kfi, theres a mail from your mom!". I, in a totally mannerly in polite way, grabbed the phone from her, opened the mail and proceeded to scream like a 13 year old girl. And jump up and down. Alot. Anyway, as soon as my screams became coherent "OH MY GOD IM AN AUNT MY SISTER HAD A BABY BOY!!!!!", my friends started to jump up and down with me, we all refilled our wineglasses and made everyone in the area l'chaim with us to my new nephew :)
At this point I wanted to get home and call my family, so we headed out, stopping at a few booths for some more l'chaims on the way, and then I practically skipped through the park, calling everyone in Israel and forcing them to l'chaim to my new nephew with me. I would like to put in the disclaimer that those calls WERE NOT drunk dials. I was drunk on happiness, I tell you, HAPPINESS!

Anyway, I am not positively ITCHING to get home, I cannot wait to:
1) meet my new nephew,
2) see my sister and tell her in person how amazing it is that she made a little person,
3) Call my parents "Grampa" and "Bubbe"
4) watch my brother-in-law imitate his offspring's "poop-faces"
5) oh just look at him and hold him and touch his tiny little baby hands and feet and fall absolutely and totally in love with him.


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