Sunday, May 24, 2009

Afifeur means Pope. Most conversations overheard using this word are not suitable for children's ears.

This week in the world of Kfi, I got yelled at by a  toothless old man, overworked by my boss, and pushed around by the Pope. Oh and saw a little too much of the personal lives of the Syrian bear.
It appears, that while I have found that I naturally blend into many parts of Israeli society, there is one rather particular trait I am missing. I can be pretty chilled out about how no one plans anything, I can feel comfortable getting in cars with strangers and depending on the goodness of mankind, and my skin has the necessary resiliance to put up with the Middle Eastern sun. Unfortunatly, it turns out that I am also a naiive sap. From the internet salesmen to the homeless guys on the street, if someone starts speaking to me in a strong tone of voice I will pretty much do whatever they tell me just to get them to stop yelling at me. Now this is a problem because everyone in Israel yells. You walk through the shuk and they scream "Avatiach!!" in your face that really makes you believe that you must buy a watermelon at that moment. Little old men tell you that they lost their bag in such a forceful tone of voice that you really do feel like a horrible person if you dont go to the bank and take out some cash to give them. Or maybe its just me. Either way, it is a trait that I apparantly need to work on (though I did not go back and give the toothless man money) otherwise I will soon find myself a slave to the pizza shop where I am supposed to be working four hours a night but usually end up working five, or in Thursdays case, six.
My point is I am brace myself when Israelis start yelling at me and try to hold my ground. Except with the Pope maybe, because as the other 25 people on my rerouted bus showed me, there are sometimes that yelling just doesnt do anything. And apparantly when it comes to the safety of the Pope it is totally reasonable to shut down half the streets in Jerusalem and wreak havoc on the public transportation system. Effing Afifeur.
Aside from that though, it was a pretty good week, I got to take the oral part of my Hebrew test and I got to go to the zoo. (The Syrian bears were rather publicly occupied in their usual springtime behavior, which was amusing and a little weird.) And this Shabbat I am going camping! Very Israeli style so Im a little worried about the peeing outsidething (I am very outdoorsy I just really dont like dropping trou in the woods) oh and I am going with two married couples and my roomie and her fiancee, but hey, this shouldnt be at all awkward.
Anyway, Ill let you know how it goes and I hope you all have a good Shabbat.

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