Friday, May 1, 2009

61 years for Israel, 4 months for me

This week was super Israel week. Not only was it Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) followed by Yom Ha'atzmeut (Independence Day) BUT it was the four monthiversary of my aliyah!
I have to say that Memorial Day here has a very different feeling from the one in the States. It is a very somber day, full of ceremonies honoring all those who have died fighting for Israel- both soldiers and civilians. There are also two moments of silence, one the night before at 8pm and one on the day of at 11am. An air raid siren goes off all over Israel and everyone stops what they are doing and stands in silence. The cars pull to the sides of the streets, storeowners come out of their store, everyone stops for a moment. Its kind of unreal. And then they go back to what they were doing, living the life that so many fought and died fort hem to have. I went to a ceremony at the Kotel (western wall) the night before and got to see lots of soliders marching (abba, you would have loved it) and I got to hear the President speak. I didnt understand everything he said, but he has a very nice voice :)
Anyway, as Yom Hazikaron ends, the celebrations for Yom Haatzmeut begin. Like America, these consist mainly of fireworks and barbeques, with alot of parties the eve of.  Unfortunately I was worked 8 hours on Yom Hazikaron and by the time I got off was too pooped to party. But I got my bbqing in the next day, so its all good. 
And yes, I said I worked. I have a new job! At a little restaurant in Rehavia, which is min. wage and not that exciting, but its chill and my boss is nice and most days I will be running the place myself so that is exciting. 

Anyway, in honor of super Israel week I have made a new list. My favorite things about Israel. (Dont worry, Ill do an American one come July)

1. Jews. It is super cool to be in a place where Jewish is the status quo.
2. Hanging flowers. What Israel lacks in terms of grass it more than makes up for with an effluence of viney hangy flowers.
3. Shoko B'Sakit. As I may have mentioned a few times before, chocolate milk in a bag is the greatest invention ever.
4. Tremping. Hitchhiking is by far the cheapest and most entertaining way to travel. Plus it has a goodness of mankind factor.
5. Hiking. Not only is it gorgeous but almost everywhere you walk you can say "Insert Biblical Name walked/lived/sacrificed animals here". I think thats pretty cool.
6. Abusive salespeople. They dont pretend they like you here, they yell in your face and enjoy arguing about prices. Its very genuine of them.
7. Pita and Chumus. 
8. Settlers. When was the last time you believed in something so much that you were willing to go live in a shipping container to protect it?
9. Hebrew. We revived an ancient language and now use it in the streets. Eize Magniv.
10. Attitude towards immigrants. Aside from a few people who think I am crazy for wanting to live here, Israelis welcome immigrants with open arms and praises. We are not rejected or feared but appreciated and integrated.

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