Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last night I met someone whose last name is Keefer. We immediatly became friends.


That is my description of the week. It accounts for lovely surprises and overwhelming work and relief and celebrations.
So starting with the first one, this Sunday was my birthday (thanks parents!) and I had to work most of the day. Which was actually more than ok, because the people I work with are awesome. My boss had all the interns sing to me and we ate lots of ice cream and then later the fellows brought in cake and ice cream and sang to me again. The co founder of PresenTense literally skipped down the street singing Happy Birthday when he saw me, and everyone was altogether really nice. Also, my other half/bestest friend sent her gigantically tall brother to presentense bearing cake and flowers embarassing me in that wonderfully birthdayish way(and eliciting an Ahhh!). And I really appreciated all the emails and facebook messages and phone calls throughout the week. I was feeling very loved.

Next Ahhh! was the craziness that was PresenTense this week. This was the last week of the six week institute, culminating in our huge launch night even on Thursday. And, as I have been labeled the second in command of the institute (like spock), I was running around like a crazy person making sure everything was running all week, all the fellows werent freaking out, all the interns were doing what they were supposed to be (I was also put in charge of all the interns when the intern coordinator left last week) and helping plan everything for the final event. Which elicits the third Ahhh! of having it all go well and be amazing. So what happens at Launch Night is that each of the fellows that have been working on 14 different projects all summer have 15 seconds to pitch their projects to a crowd of investors and donators and people who are important to network with and then 45 minutes to talk to people that approach their tables. And it was awesome. I met so many people and was chatting it up all night and everyone was amazing and I had soo much fun. You can look on their website and see the videos of the pitches and of the crowd. Its super cool.
We all went out and celebrated afterwards, which kept me out until 4 am or so, but was so much fun. We are having out last Shabbaton this weekend and then the Institute is over :( I am excited to have a life back again since I have been working my tush off, but I am going to miss hanging out with these people all the time since they are simply amazing. But all good things must come to an end, and it is about time I got back to figuring out what I am going to be doing for the next year. So next week is devoted to army research and calling lots of people to try and get some information. Which PresenTense has given me alot of experience in so hopefully it will work.

On a non-Ahhh! note, this past Shabbat, Jimmy the sixteen year old non jewish son of Kathie from the art department stayed with me and got a crash course in orthodox Judaism. We had so much fun. Not only is he hilarious, but he was having the time of his life learning about the weird things we do on Shabbat and while we cook and it was really nice to have a fresh face about. I actually took him to work on Sunday morning before we went to wander around the arab shuk for a bit, and everyone there loved him as well.
So its been a really eventful and exciting week and now I am soo excited for Shabbat (and the fact that I dont have to cook anything). So I am going to go shower and relax and sleep :)

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